Tax Consultants in Islamabad

Tax is so complex that no one individual could keep track of it. However, by engaging a firm that is a member of the Astro, you have access to tax partners in firms throughout the Pakistan, each of them specializing in their country’s tax law and knowledgeable about  tax issues. Astro firms also have regional specialists who can provide insight into the political, economic and financial issues in a particular area, as well as being tax advisers in their own right.
For businesses starting up or moving into new regions, we can provide advice on where to set up and how to choose the most appropriate operating structure. Astro advisers will also explain the local laws and regulations to ensure that you are compliant.
Key services include:
  • Business tax
  • Personal tax
  • Tax investigations
  • Income tax registration
  • Sales tax registration
  • E filling of salaried Person
  • E filling of Trade Association
  • E filling of Corporate
  • E filling of Monthly withholding tax
  • E filling of Monthly sales Tax
  • E filling of Annual statement
  • Annual return Filling of corporate and Individual AOP and Other Business sectors

Mansoor Ahmad 


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